Hand-Rolling Flatten: Coming to Grips with Tree-Seq
As I’ve been learning Clojure, one great place I’ve found to practice is 4Clojure.com. Their challenges run the gamut from the very simple to the quite difficult, and I’ve found just about all of them valuable.
Recently, I was working through a challenge that asks you to hand-roll the function flatten
, which unstacks a nested collection:
user=> (flatten [1 2 3])
;= (1 2 3)
user=> (flatten [1 [2 3]])
;= (1 2 3)
user=> (flatten [1 [2 [3]]])
;= (1 2 3)
In my case, I initially came up with an inelegant solution:
(defn flatify [x]
(loop [input-list x
output-list []
reserve []]
(and (empty? input-list) (empty? reserve)) output-list
(and (empty? input-list) (not (empty? reserve))) (recur reserve output-list [])
(not (coll? (first input-list))) (recur (rest input-list) (concat output-list [(first input-list)]) reserve)
(coll? (first input-list)) (recur (first input-list) output-list (rest input-list)))))
It ain’t pretty, but it works.
Still, I figured that their had to be a better way. And, indeed, there is - check out the Clojure source:
(defn flatten [x]
(filter (complement sequential?)
(rest (tree-seq sequential? seq x))))
Wow, that’s elegant. But how does it work? Let’s dive in to see what’s going on here.
The function definition is the same ((defn flatten [x]
) as my earlier implementation, but the body is very different.
First comes a call to filter
, which takes a predicate and a collection and then returns a new collection containing whichever elements satisfy the predicate. A simple example:
user=> (filter odd? [1 2 3 4 5 6])
;= (1 3 5)
Next, the flatten
definition includes a predicate for filter
: (complement sequential?)
. complement
returns a new function inverting the function that’s passed in, and sequential?
returns true if the collection passed in implements Sequential
, so we’re saying to filter out all elements that implement Sequential
At this point in digesting the code, I was a little confused. We want to flatten the collection, not merely weed out any nested elements. And, indeed, without the final line, that’s precisely what it’d do:
user=> (defn eager-flatten [x]
(filter (complement sequential?) x))
;= #'user/eager-flatten
user=> (eager-flatten [1 [2 3] 4])
;= (1 4)
The key to flatten
, then, is the final line. And, more specifically, the tree-seq
Checking out the docs, we can see that tree-seq
performs a depth-first walk, returning a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree. It takes three arguments: a function which returns true if passed a node that can have children (branch?
), a function that returns a sequence of the children of a node (children
), and a root node (root
Let’s see it in action:
user=> (tree-seq sequential? seq [1 2 3])
;= ([1 2 3] 1 2 3)
user=> (tree-seq sequential? seq [1 [2 3]])
;= ([1 [2 3]] 1 [2 3] 2 3)
user=> (tree-seq sequential? seq [1 [2 [3]]])
;= ([1 [2 [3]]] 1 [2 [3]] 2 [3] 3)
Taking a look at the output, you can see that we’re getting a copy of the original collection (the root node) followed by a depth-first traversal of that collection as a tree. That is, we visit each element, checking whether it satisfies sequential?
. If so, then we treat it as a branch node and evaluate its children recursively until we reach a terminal node. If not, then we know we have reached a terminal node and can move on to the next element.
Conveniently, the collection of terminal nodes is precisely what we’re looking for with flatten
. Everything else falls into place. Returning to the source:
(defn flatten [x]
(filter (complement sequential?)
(rest (tree-seq sequential? seq x))))
We call rest
on the output to discard the root node1. We filter out every non-terminal node (i.e. each node that satisfies sequential?
), and we’re left with a single collection of terminal nodes - an unstacked version of the original collection.
We could actually remove
from the function definition and everything would still work fine, but there’s no point in evaluating the first element since we know it’s going to be the original collection. ↩